

The project aims to enhance the professional contribution that Feldenkrais practitioners can make to the evolution of society.

Developing an ecology of health and lifelong learning of the individual.


Feldenkrais4Life helps Feldenkrais professionals to increase their professionalism and trade associations to strengthen their internal capacities to represent them and support their continuous training, fully aware of the European context, values and opportunities in which they operate.

It wants to take a first step so that the Feldenkrais Method can truly become a ” work for life” for those who teach it, which can be carried out with dignity, responsibility and professional continuity, but also a ” practice for life” accessible to anyone.

For whom

Feldenkrais4Life wants to create a space of resonance and growth for

Why it is important

The innate ability to learn and the possibility of learning from the cradle to the grave are the fundamental values of this Method that uses work with the body to improve movement, senses, sensations and thoughts. Every citizen, of any age and physical and mental condition, should be able to access and benefit from it.

Pursuing health, balance, and satisfaction in life contributes to the growth of a society of mature individuals who are aware of themselves, others, and the environment around them.



Carried out through an online multilingual questionnaire addressed to Feldenkrais practitioners in all European member countries of the International Feldenkrais Federation, it provides the  state of the art on how the Feldenkrais teachers practice the profession in Europe.

Implemented online with activities and resources that will be enriched over time, it provides digital materials and web-based dissemination events to highlight the value of the Method and its practitioners in the European framework of community policies.

It promotes direct work with the institutions to include the Feldenkrais practice in national systems such as professional repertoires and economic classifications, seen as an important achievement to make this figure visible and effectively included in the labor market.

Created thanks to the collaboration of partners, it offers an innovative format in an international and multidisciplinary perspective, based on the mutual contamination of professionals from healthcare and Feldenkrais practice on the topic of chronic pain and fibromyalgia syndrome.

Implemented continuously throughout the course of the project, it proposes events, webinars and networking actions to present and give visibility of the Feldenkrais practitioners and the potentiality of the Method.

Expected results and outcomes

The project will help the Feldenkrais teacher act as a professional to integrate into the world of work with increased professional awareness and knowledge of the context in which he or she practices.

It will help Feldenkrais Professional Associations to grow in their representative role towards institutions and in their ability to operate nationally and internationally, managing more efficient and structured processes.

The project will produce: