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Team presentation


Lorenza Leita

Project Manager; Partner Team coordinator; Methodological expert

Senior expert in learning systems and competency validation models (VNFIL), after a long experience as international project manager and methodologist at university (Politecnico Milano, 1998-2020), she now works as a senior consultant. Since 2017, Feldenkrais Practitioner and active member of AIIMF, which she professionally supports and officially represents in Lombardy. Graduated in Electronic Engineering – IMS (Politecnico di Milano, 1997).


Sonia Amicucci

Senior expert; methodological consultant

Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer and Competency Facilitators Trainer. Her personal teaching style integrates her knowledge of performing arts and somatic education. She is part of the International Feldenkrais Federation research group that developed the Competency Profile Project. Collaborates with AIIMF as member of the Continuing Education Committee.


Marta Zardini

Content referent; coordination support

Graduate in Psychological Sciences and Techniques and student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Turin, she works as Feldenkrais Practitioner.  Active member of AIIMF, she contributed to found the Communication Commission of the association.


Silvia Moneti

Dissemination support

With a prior knowledge in physics, art, graphics, and photography (Architecture, University of Palermo), she got several masters in photography, photo-reportage, and illustration. Since 2018 Trainer of Brain Gym® Method, and  Feldenkrais Practitioner and Social Media Manager since 2020. She actively cooperates with the Feldenkrais Italian Guild, both as Social Media Manager and representative of the Sicily Region.


Aronne Gavazzeni

ICT support

Graduated in Computer Science (2002), since 2020 he has been a Feldenkrais practitioner  and an active member of AIIMF. He is also a music lover and drummer.


Cristina Usai

Project Administrative referent

Aiimf National Secretary, with administrative and accounting skills, and good communication and coordination skills between the Board, Aiimf members and various national and international institutions. Degree in Accountancy (1986), Postgraduate Diploma Professional Educator (1999), Yoga Teacher Training Certificate (2017).


Elisabetta Abate

Partner Team Coordinator
Ph.D. in Oriental Studies with a specialization in Jewish Culture and Languages (Venice 2009). Feldenkrais Practitioner (Amsterdam 2015). She is a member of the FVD e.V. since 2011, volunteer in the IFF project “Feldenkrais and Research” and appointed coordinator of the German activities within the “Feldenkrais4Life” project. Passionate about teaching the Feldenkrais Method as a way to cultivate a healthy body-mind-world relationship in the 21st century, Elisabetta is always trying to spark a spark of enthusiasm for it.

Uwe Jaschke

Partner Team Coordinator

President of FVD and a certified Feldenkrais Practitioner since 2017, with a Master’s degree in Mechatronic Systems. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Social Change Management, with a focus on NGO management. Since 2015, he has been working as a project manager across various initiatives, including serving as coordinator of the IFF Research Working Group.


Vesna Puric

Partner Team Coordinator

IFF President, Feldenkrais Practitioner since 2003. Hospital clown for more than 31 years. With a background in physical theater and dance, she has been teaching movement, theater and dance and improvisation for almost 40 years. Vesna is passionate about interacting with people and teaching movement. She is a member of the Belgian Feldenkrais Association.


Pat Zraidi

Partner Administrative Referent; communication advisor

Financial and Administrative manager for the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF).


Gabriella Butera

Partner Team Coordinator

Teacher in primary school since 1992, expert in Creative Conflict Management. Active member of AISF ODV, Gabriella has a solid experience as a project manager. She is enrolled as a trainee in the Florence Feldenkrais Teachers Training.


Giuseppina Fabio

Communication expert

Vice President AISF OVD, consultant Company provider ECM training with particular attention to fundraising and communication activities.


Andrea Melita Thiem

Project External advisor

Feldenkrais practitioner since 1998. Trainer PNL, Counselor PNL. Trained in systemic constellation work. Very interested in working in interdisciplinary teams. Active member of AIIMF – ETC representative, chairperson of ETC.