
ETC European-TAB Council

The Feldenkrais European Training Accreditation Board Council (ETC) represents the professional community of Feldenkrais Practitioners, Govern and structure the Feldenkrais educational system, maintain and develop training standards of the Feldenkrais Method and promote international recognition of these standards.

Role in the project

External partner with transversal support role for the project

AIIMF Associazione Italiana Insegnanti del Metodo Feldenkrais

Founded in 1987 to supports Feldenkrais Method® professionals in Italy, to promote their training and to protect the originality of the Method and respect for the ethical principles that support it.
With Law 4/2013, the Italian Association of Teachers of the Feldenkrais Method has become responsible for the protection of users of the Method.

Role in the project

Promoter of the project, coordinator of cooperation activities with institutions for professional recognition

FVD Feldenkrais-Verband Deutschland e.V.

Founded in 1985 to promote, protect and disseminate the FELDENKRAIS® method. It participates in the international process of joint development and documentation of the work, in the establishment and compliance with guidelines for training and further education and ensures internal quality assurance. It also sets standards for professional practice for its members and documents these publicly.

Role in the project

Partner of the project, coordinator of the informal learning path on Feldenkrais teacher identity and career orientation

IFF International Feldenkrais Federation

Founded in the 1992 incorporates and represents the world-wide community of teachers and students of the Feldenkrais Method. It provides an international forum for the development of the Method, its vision and practice.

Role in the project

Partnerof the project to support communication for promotion in Europe

AISF Associazione Italiana Sindrome Fibromialgica

Italian Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association is a nonprofit “disease” association that brings together patients, physicians, family members, friends, professionals and volunteers, with the exclusive purpose of social solidarity, proposing to promote and develop projects that respond, in the field of health care, to the needs of the fibromyalgia patient.

Role in the project

Partner of the project, coordinator of the Feldenkrais-Fybromialgic syndrome joint professional training path

The project also relies on the collaboration of external partners

  • ETC (EuropeTab Council): Supports the project from the drafting stage in different stages in dissemination, promotion of actions, translations, network development.
  • French Feldenkrais Guild: Although not in formal partnership, is giving support in French language promotion through supervision of language resources implemented.
  • Swiss Feldenkrais Guild: Although not part of the European Union, has been very active and involved in the operational phases of the project.

The project also thanks other organizations in the Feldenkrais world who are actively contributing to the success of the activities. These include, in particular, the French Feldenkrais Guild and the Swiss Feldenkrais Guild.

It is a European project that aims to develop a lasting network of cooperation between all potential stakeholders of the Feldenkrais approach in Europe.